
We understand that finding a new role is crucial;

But there is a ‘right’ way to go about it

There are a wealth of reasons why people apply for a new role, a seriously considered career move, boredom, learning opportunities, the chance to join a high-flying company or perhaps it just comes down to the fact that the person next to them is a constant sniffer or a pen clicker.

All of the above scenarios are the “lucky ones”, the candidates who are in employment, enjoy a regular salary and can take their time to plan their next move.

But what about the candidates who are not quite so lucky, those who are currently not working or perhaps their work/student visa is about to expire and for whatever reason would quite frankly take the first job that comes their way.

We see this often, the same candidate applying for every job we have advertised without a cover letter explaining their interest and seemingly regardless of their qualifications, skill set, experience level, or general suitability.

Here is the issue:

A scattergun approach to applying for new roles does not demonstrate to recruiters (and in turn the hiring company) a planned and streamlined employment search.

Applicants who do this will always be in competition with and fall short of candidates who can exhibit a targeted employment search or career path.

Yes, there are candidates out there with a very broad skill set, who may choose to specialise with one particular skill set or domain area. An experienced recruiter will be able to identify the relevance of their application.

As professional recruiters, we are engaged by companies to find the most suitable candidate for them.  It is that simple. We take the time to learn about the company and its culture, the team, the project, the technologies used, and the skill set required.

This isn’t one-sided – we do this for both the company’s and the candidate’s benefit. Our aim is to facilitate the best match possible for both parties with a long, healthy, and successful employer/employee relationship in mind.

So, what do you need to do?

Our simple advice is: When you apply for a new role, add a succinct cover letter or email to your application, show some interest in the role, and within a few points highlight your relevant experience and skills.

Give us a reason to call you!

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