
There are over 20,000 firms in New Zealand’s tech sector, with new IT roles loaded to job boards daily. All these new roles can make searching for the right job a little like trying to find a needle in a haystack, making it crucial to arm yourself with smart tools to assist you in your job search. These tools will help you with enhancing your job search to streamline the process and narrow your options, ensuring you find the perfect fit.

Finding the right role can also be time-consuming and challenging, so understanding the best ways to do it can point you to the positions you’ve been looking for. To help, we’ve compiled a list of 5 top tips to optimise your job search.

Work on Your Personal Branding

Personal branding is key as part of your job search. It covers the unique combination of skills, knowledge and experience that you want employers to notice. Enhancing your online presence is paramount to strengthening your personal brand. It serves as one of the most crucial methods to establish and solidify your professional reputation in the digital world.

Start by updating your LinkedIn profile to highlight your skills, experiences, and achievements. Do not underestimate the importance of your profile – as 77% of recruiters reported using LinkedIn in their efforts.

Joining relevant industry groups, participating in discussions, and sharing insightful content to demonstrate your expertise can also be useful in building a positive online presence. Lastly, you may even consider building your own professional website to truly take control of your brand and enhance your job search. For more, see our 6 steps to building your personal brand.

Tailor Your CV & Cover Letter

With a sea of open tech positions available, it can be tempting to throw your hat in the ring for a large number of roles – and all with the same CV. However, it is more efficient to tailor both your resume and cover letter for a small number of positions that genuinely interest you, rather than submitting generic application documents for a larger quantity. Yes, it takes a little longer to get through the process of applying this way, but it’s worth showing that you know and want the role.

Considering the impact of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) in the hiring process, it is crucial to devote special attention to each job application for optimal efficiency. These systems play a significant role by initially parsing through resumes – with Jobscan finding that over 98% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS. To bypass the initial ATS screening, tailor your application materials by incorporating keywords, qualifications, and experiences relevant to each specific job.  ATS systems scan resumes by keywords so if you aren’t including these, your resume is most likely going to fall at the bottom of the pile meaning hiring managers won’t see them.

When you tailor your resume to align with the specific job requirements, you not only convey that your experience is directly relevant but also demonstrate to the hiring manager that you are the ideal candidate for the position, setting yourself apart from other applicants.

UseYour Professional Network

Networking is one of the most powerful tools in any job search – and the tech industry is no exception. Tap into your professional network by attending industry events, joining relevant associations (such as IT Professionals NZ), and engaging with online communities. Not only does this help you make new connections, but it’ll also strengthen existing ones – which can be crucial when searching for IT jobs.

LinkedIn is a powerful tool that you can use to expand your network. After establishing and building your personal brand on LinkedIn, lots of professionals & even recruiters specialising in the tech industry will reach out to you if you have a good presence on LinkedIn. This can be done by engaging with other people’s posts on LinkedIn to stand out and also by sharing things to your own network relating to the industry.

When you build strong relationships with professionals in your field, they may be willing to refer you to job opportunities within their networks. This can be a powerful way to access hidden job opportunities that may not be publicly advertised or you may be unaware of. Employers often place trust in candidates referred by someone they already know, increasing your chances of being seriously considered for the role.

Develop In-Demand Skills

Endlessly searching and applying for new roles can often be tiring – and it’s important to recognise this is not the only thing that will help with enhancing your job search. Consider investing some of your efforts into skills development.

Identify the in-demand skills sought by employers in the Christchurch and Auckland tech industries, such as programming languages, cloud computing, data analytics, AI and cybersecurity, and think about where the gaps in your skillset might be. Find the best way to fill these gaps – whether it be online research, industry events or gaining a new certification.

There are several courses online that can help you develop your skills. Take advantage of platforms such as LinkedIn learning, or SkillsFinder or even listening to podcasts etc. The best part is that some of these courses are even free! Once you have completed the course, you’ll receive a certificate of completion which you can add to your resume. This will help you in your quest to stand out to potential employers.

Acquiring that new certification you’ve been meaning to for a while might just be the leg up you needed to secure your ideal job – plus, it demonstrates to prospective employers that you are dedicated to constant improvement and learning, which is a must for any tech position.

Partner with a Recruiter

Navigating the job market can be overwhelming, but partnering with a specialised recruiter can offer valuable support, exponentially speeding up the job search. Partnering with a recruiter provides access to diverse open positions and allows you to leverage their expertise to craft compelling CV copy and ace your interview. By enlisting the help of a recruiter, you can ensure a more smooth and efficient job search experience.

As specialists in Technology and Digital recruitment across Christchurch and Auckland, we understand the challenges of finding the perfect tech role – and how to best overcome them! If you’d like to take your job hunt to the next level, get in touch with the team at Sourced.

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