
Karmly and time recording as a contractor with SourcedKarmly - Time recording

Read about how to use Karmly here:

First off, welcome to the team!

Your consultant will have mentioned that we use an online timesheet system to keep our invoicing process as smooth as possible.

We’ve sent you an invitation from Karmly already so you can log in to see the interface.

Check out this video to get an indication of how to record your time but if you have any questions at all please let us know.

Please remember:

  • At the end of each week, complete your time sheet and hit the Request Approval button on the right. Please ensure you complete this weekly to make the end of month less of a burden.
  • All time for the month must be logged and approved as soon as possible at the end of the month – remember this may fall in the middle of a week.

This is obviously a separate process to any timekeeping system that is needed at your workplace, and it crucial that the time recording between both are identical to prevent any delays in processing.

As you are an Independent Contractor you will need to invoice us

We will invoice your workplace on a monthly basis (first to last day to keep it simple) and we would be grateful for invoices to match these. Read more about contracting with us on our Contracting with Sourced page.

If you are GST registered

If it makes it easier, this invoice can be generated straight from your Invoxy login – under Pay Records, click on your name to view the Buyer Created Tax Invoice (BCTI) that comes up. We have a copy of this also through Invoxy so there is no need to send this to us. If you prefer to generate your own GST invoice please feel free to send this to us instead.

Please also ensure we have your correct GST details.

If you are not GST-registered 

You can use the BCTI function as noted above, or you are welcome to generate an invoice for us that matches the hours you reported and tax deductions calculated based on the tax rate you provide. There is some information on what is required on your invoice, and a template to get started here.

As your contract outlines, payments will be made to you as per your schedule. Generally speaking, invoices should run for a full month and will be paid on the 20th of the month – this does vary between engagements so please re-read your schedules if you are not sure.

We hope this makes sense, but please let us know if you have any concerns.

Happy contracting!

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